Friday, December 25, 2009

Udon Noodle Soup


The Japanese make a specialty of hearty soups full of thick, slippery udon noodles. Make them yourself or buy them in an Asian grocery. And be sure that the broth is dense with good things to eat.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Grilled Shrimp and Bacon Skewers with Pickled Onion and Avocado Salad


Grilled shrimp is a Mexican standard on both coasts. Here we put the tasty little crustaceans on a skewer with slab bacon that has been blanched first to precook it so you don’t have to worry that it won’t cook all the way through on the grill. You have to watch these skewers once they get on the grill, though, because the fat from the bacon can easily ignite. If that happens, shift them quickly to a cooler part of the grill until the fire has died down, then move them back over the fire.

Yield: Serves 2 as Entrée;  4 as Appetizer

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Spaghetti with Romanesco Broccoli and Black Olives


In Italy, cauliflower can be white, purple, or light green. The variety I’ve used here is Romanesco broccoli, but it is actually a green cauliflower. Very delicate in taste and texture, it requires a watchful eye to avoid overcooking. Ricotta salata is fresh ricotta salted to shed moisture. It is tangy and moist, but firm.

Yield: 4 servings

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Vietnamese Shrimp and Fennel Salad


Shrimp and shaved fresh fennel, with its anisey flavor, are a unique combination that is nicely complemented by the sweet and sour fresh lime dressing. If fennel is unavailable, substitute 1 pound blanched snow peas, sliced in half lengthwise.


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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Wednesday, December 23, 2009





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Nokia images reliant

En compilant des images de téléphones mobiles des utilisateurs comme Nokia pour créer des images 3D de lieux et des bâtiments dans son nouveau poste Image Space.

Nokia Image Space est fait pour servir comme une sorte d'albums photos partagé dans lequel les images des utilisateurs sont compilées selon l'endroit où ils sont capturés. Cela donnera à tous l'accès à des vues plus ou moins complète de bâtiments ou les sites visités par un plus grand nombre de personnes.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Nokia Verknüpfen von Bildern

Durch die Sammlung von Bildern von Mobiltelefonen der Nutzer wie Nokia, 3D-Bilder von Orten und Gebäuden in sein neues Amt zu schaffen Image Space.

Nokia Image Space soll als eine Art gemeinsamer Fotoalben, wo Bilder der Benutzer auf, wo sie gefangen werden, erstellt werden, dienen. Dies wird jeder Zugang zu mehr oder weniger umfassenden Ansichten von Gebäuden oder Websites geben besucht von einer größeren Zahl von Menschen.

Da der Dienst in erster Linie für Telefone, die mit GPS ausgestattet sind und ein Kompass-Funktion, um die Bilder in Beziehung zueinander über die genaue Position, dass der Benutzer auf die Richtung der Kamera zeigt auf dem Bild angeordnet werden entworfen wurde getroffen. Bei einer ausreichenden Anzahl von Bildern aus dem gleichen Ort, den Sie sollten daher über ihre eigenen Bilder, Ansicht dreidimensionale Bilder von Gebäuden oder Blick auf die Straße.

Der Service selbst hat keine Funktion, um Bilder hochzuladen, sondern für diejenigen, die den Dienst testen möchten, starten, indem er ein Flickr-Account.

Dann können Sie sich registrieren mit dem Nokia:

© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Nokia linking images

By compiling pictures from users' mobile phones like Nokia to create 3D images of locations and buildings in his new post Image Space.

Nokia Image Space is meant to serve as a kind of shared photo albums where the users' images are compiled based on where they are captured. This will give everyone access to more or less comprehensive views of buildings or sites visited by a larger number of people.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

M5650 -サムスンコービータクトで


フロントの特別なボタンで音楽プレーヤーを制御するために装備されているされている1が最も明確に違うのは最初のM5650コービーモデルから。しかし、皮膚の下に、そこにもいくつかの違いがあります。例については、は、3G、コービーS3650は、行方不明のサポートを追加しています。 M5650も無線LANを備えています。



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M5650 - Samsung Corby mit Takt

Das Samsung Corby-Serie finden sich Touchscreen-Handys für ein jüngeres Publikum. Die neueste Ergänzung ist ein Musik-Handy M5650.

Die Front wurde mit speziellen Tasten ausgestattet, um den Musik-Player-Steuerung ist das ein am deutlichsten unterscheidet sich vom ersten Modell M5650 Corby. Aber unter der Haut, gibt es auch einige Unterschiede. Zum Beispiel hat, die Unterstützung für 3G, die Corby S3650 fehlt aufgenommen. M5650 ist mit WLAN ausgestattet.

Neben der Musik-Player, FM-Radio, auch bei den Funktionen benannt. Verschiedene Widgets und Shortcuts schnell wie Facebook und Twitter-Zugang sind natürlich, wenn das Telefon die Käufer erwartet werden, bei häufiger Nutzung von Social Web-Services.

Das Telefon verkauft in der aktuellen Situation nur in Portugal, aber das Samsung startet den Verkauf des restlichen Europa in Kürze.

© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

M5650 - Samsung Corby avec tact

La série Samsung Corby sont trouvés téléphones à écran tactile pour un public plus jeune. Le dernier ajout est un téléphone M5650 musique.

La face avant est équipée de boutons spéciaux pour contrôler le lecteur de musique est la plus clairement différent du premier modèle Corby M5650. Mais sous la peau, il ya aussi quelques différences. Par exemple, il a ajouté un support pour la 3G, qui Corby S3650 manquants. M5650 est également équipé de WiFi.

En plus de lecteur de musique, radio FM, également nommé parmi les fonctionnalités. Différents widgets et des raccourcis pour accéder rapidement comme Facebook et Twitter sont bien sûr lorsque les acheteurs du téléphone sont censés être des utilisateurs fréquents des services de web social.

Le téléphone vendu dans la situation actuelle seulement au Portugal mais le Samsung va commencer à vendre le reste de l'Europe sous peu.

© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

M5650 - Samsung Corby with tact

The Samsung Corby series are found touch screen phones for a younger audience. The latest addition is a music phone M5650.

The front has been equipped with special buttons to control the music player is the one most clearly differs from the first M5650 Corby model. But under the skin, there are also some differences. For example, it has added support for 3G, which Corby S3650 missing. M5650 is also equipped with WLAN.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous



数週間前には思えたのは、エスプレッソは、HTCのAndroidへのアップグレード続編が現在のモデルのヒーローだった。主な違いは、その引込 QWERTY配列のキーボードは、これHTCのは、まだ導入モデルの特性にリークされたxmlファイルから生まれたものがあることだった。

今も公開されているスクリーンショットのエスプレッソのは、メーカー独自のインターフェイスのセンスの次のバージョンを示すために言われています初期バージョンは、から来るように宣言された。インターフェイスの両方に、AndroidとWindowsの携帯電話が、写真で使用されているサイト hdblog.itそれ以上は、Androidのバージョンに上がった。

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HTC Sense erhalten neuen Look

HTC bevorstehenden Modell mit dem Arbeitstitel Espresso weiterhin in verschiedenen Zusammenhängen auftauchen. Jetzt gibt es Bilder von einer neuen Variante der Schnittstelle Sensor soll von der Espresso-kommen.

Ein paar Wochen schien es, dass der Espresso wurde eine aktualisierte Fortsetzung der Android HTC-aktuelle Modell Hero. Der größte Unterschied war, dass die es eine ausziehbare QWERTZ-Tastatur, etwas, das aus einer XML-Datei, die die Merkmale eines noch nicht eingeführten Modell von HTC zugespielt entstanden sind.

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Poached Eggs with Frisèe


This is a favorite appetizer or light lunch dish in rural France

Yield: 4 servings

Prep Time:  15 mins

Cooking Time: 20 mins

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Spaghettini with Shrimp and Chile


This is what I make for people when I want something that needs no thought, no fuss, no effort but will guaranteeinstant gratification all around. I keep the shrimp in the deep freeze and either thaw them overnight (or more likely from breakfast time till after work) in the fridge, or do a quick thaw job when I get home. The sunblush tomatoes are generally stashed in my fridge to spruce up salads, make up a quick sauce, or gussy up pasta just like this.

Yield: Serves 4 as a starter, 2 as a main course

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Wasabi Lime Dressing


This beautiful green dressing packs a real punch: I love it on watercress and avocado salad and, indeed, on anything that is served with something fairly plain, when you welcome the buzz.

Yield: Makes 2/3 cup

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Skypeのノキア、スマートフォンは、以前は特定のモデルまたは特定の演算子は、プログラムの依存性のバージョン用に予約されているの。今ではSymbian OS用は、Nokiaの携帯電話のより広い範囲で動作するSkypeをリリースしました。

2006年には自分の仕事でSkypeのIP電話やインスタントメッセージングのためのソフトウェアは、Nokiaのスマートフォン上で実行される可能性 のあるバージョンを開発するように言った。最終的には、カスタムクライアントは、他の事柄のうち3つは、Nokiaの携帯電話で使用される可能性がリリー ス。いくつかの新しいノキアの携帯電話にもSkypeを事前にインストールされてきた。

しかし、今は普通のSymbianアプリケーショ ンの形でバージョンされているが、近年にリリースされている15以上の機種で動作します。一般的なのは、S60第3版Feature Packの1または2のことです。タッチ画面で、NokiaのS60端末と第5版ているため、群衆の中に含まれていません。

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Skype für Nokia-Handys mehr

Skype auf Nokia Smartphones bereits früher für bestimmte Modelle oder eine bestimmte Betreiber-abhängige Version des Programms vorbehalten war. Jetzt hat es Skype für Symbian veröffentlicht, die mit einer breiteren Palette von Nokia-Handys funktioniert.

Zurück im Jahr 2006 sagte Skype über ihre Arbeit auf eine Version seiner Software für IP-Telefonie und Instant Messaging, die auf der Nokia-Smartphones ausgeführt werden konnten, zu entwickeln. Schließlich freigegeben, eine eigene Client, dass neben anderen Dingen, könnte mit Nokia-Handys in drei verwendet werden. Einige neue Nokia-Handys haben auch Skype bereits vorinstalliert.

Doch jetzt gibt es eine Version in der Form einer normalen Symbian-Applikation, die mit mehr als 15 Handy-Modelle, die in den letzten Jahren veröffentlicht haben. Gemeinsam, dass sie S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 oder 2 haben. Nokia S60-Handys mit Touchscreen 5th Edition und ist somit nicht in der Menge enthalten.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Skype pour plus de téléphones Nokia

Skype sur les téléphones Nokia à puce ont déjà été réservés pour des modèles spécifiques ou d'un opérateur spécifique-version dépendante du programme. Maintenant, il a publié de Skype pour Symbian qui fonctionne avec une large gamme de téléphones Nokia.

Retour en 2006, dit Skype sur leur travail pour développer une version de son logiciel de téléphonie IP et de messagerie instantanée qui pourrait être lancé sur les smartphones Nokia. Finalement publié un client personnalisé que, parmi les choses d'autres, pourrait être utilisé avec les téléphones Nokia sur trois. Certains nouveaux téléphones de Nokia ont également eu des pré Skype préinstallé.

Mais maintenant il existe une version sous la forme d'une application Symbian normale qui fonctionne avec plus de 15 modèles de téléphones qui ont été libérés ces dernières années. Commun, c'est qu'ils ont S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 ou 2. Téléphones S60 de Nokia avec écran tactile a 5th Edition et n'est donc pas inclus dans la foule.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Skype for more Nokia phones

Skype on Nokia smart phones have previously been reserved for specific models or a specific operator-dependent version of the program. Now it has released Skype for Symbian that works with a wider range of Nokia phones.

Back in 2006 told Skype on their work to develop a version of its software for IP telephony and instant messaging that could be run on the Nokia smartphones. Eventually released a custom client that, among other things, could be used with Nokia phones in Three. Some new Nokia phones have also had Skype pre-installed.

But now there is a version in the form of a normal Symbian application that works with over 15 phone models that have been released in recent years. Common is that they have S60 3rd Edition Feature Pack 1 or 2. Nokia's S60 handsets with touch screen has 5th Edition and is thus not included in the crowd.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous


4.3インチの画面には、携帯電話の時のHD2上の人は、ほぼ右のアウトエッジの巨大される固体印象。モービル向けHTC Touch HD2はテストしています。

閲覧映画、GPSナビゲーション、ウェブを見たり、画面上に何かを読ん欲しいのHD2は全く正しいが、それは巨大で、実際には、形式は、ほとんどの小さな問題があります。本当に問題はないあなたのポケットや中に達する何が、もし他のので、難しいことで食料品の袋のような一手と何かで、携帯電話で行く実際に片手で携帯電話の周りに到達するにはなっている画面全体を。 HTCのHD2さだけでなく、著しく広範な規模ではなく、ほぼインチのNokia製の携帯ノキアN97 värstingよりも広い。そしてそれは非常に彼の手で明らかに示しています。


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HTC HD2: magnifique

4.3-écran pouces est énorme pour un téléphone cellulaire et quand la personne sur le HD2 est pratiquement instantanée du contour est le impression de solidité. Mobil a testé le HTC Touch HD2.

Si vous souhaitez regarder des clips, la navigation GPS, un navigateur Web ou lire quelque chose sur l'écran est HD2 tout à fait raison, mais en fait il est tellement grand que le format pourrait presque être un petit problème. Il n'y a vraiment aucun problème à obtenir le dans votre poche ou autre, mais si vous y allez avec le téléphone dans une main et autre chose, comme un sac de provisions dans l'autre, de sorte qu'il peut être difficile à atteindre réellement autour du téléphone d'une main tout en atteignant ensemble de l'écran. HTC HD2 est non seulement importante, mais nettement large, près d'un pouce plus large que värsting Nokia N97 mobile Nokia. Et cela montre très évident dans sa main.

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HTC HD2: Prunkvolle

4,3-Zoll-Bildschirm ist für ein Handy groß und wenn die Person auf der HD2 ist fast direkt aus der Kante ist soliden Eindruck. Mobil ist das HTC Touch HD2 getestet.

Wenn Sie Filme, GPS-Navigation, Web-Browsing zu sehen oder etwas auf dem Bildschirm lesen wollen, ist HD2 ganz recht, aber in Wirklichkeit ist es so groß, dass das Format könnte fast ein kleines Problem. Es ist wirklich kein Problem damit es in Ihrer Tasche oder was auch immer, aber wenn du mit dem Telefon in der einen Hand etwas anderes, wie ein Sack mit Lebensmitteln in den anderen, so kann es schwierig sein, wirklich zu erreichen, um das Telefon mit einer Hand erreichen gesamten Bildschirm. HTC HD2 ist nicht nur groß, aber deutlich breiter, fast einen Zentimeter breiter als värsting Nokia Handy Nokia N97. Und es zeigt sehr deutlich in der Hand.

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HTC HD2: magnificent

4.3-inch screen is huge for a cell phone and when the person on the HD2 is almost right out of the edge is solid impression. Mobil has tested the HTC Touch HD2.

If you want to watch movies, GPS navigation, Web browsing or reading something on the screen is HD2 quite right, but in fact it is so huge that the format could almost be a small problem. There is really no problem getting it into your pocket or whatever, but if you go with the phone in one hand and something else, like a bag of groceries in the other, so it can be difficult to really reach around the phone with one hand while reaching entire screen. HTC HD2 is not only large but noticeably broad, nearly an inch wider than värsting Nokia mobile Nokia N97. And it shows very obvious in his hand.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous





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Google-Mobile Nexus a débarqué aux Etats-Unis

Le site Engadget technologie américaine essaie actuellement sur Google Mobile Nexus One. Du manuel, il semble qu'il ne sera vendu comme propre téléphone mobile de Google.

Donc la question est maintenant: Est-ce donc le téléphone mobile que Google a l'intention de concurrencer Microsoft, Apple et Nokia sur les géants mobiles et jeux géants de l'Internet mobile? Les armes sont dans ce cas: format mince et flexible, très grand et bon écran, associée à de bons services Web et d'un nombre incroyable d'appareils dans le magasin de logiciels Android le système de «marché».

Nexus One est fabriqué par le Taïwanais HTC, mais nulle part sur le téléphone peut être considéré logo de HTC. Au lieu de cela, il se réfère téléphone manuel (guide de démarrage rapide) que les utilisateurs peuvent obtenir des réponses à des questions sur le téléphone à l'adresse / téléphone / soutien - un site qui ne dispose pas actuellement de tout contenu.

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Google Handy Nexus hat in den USA gelandet

Die US-Technologie-Website Engadget versucht nun von Google Mobile Nexus One. Von den manuellen, scheint es, dass sie als eigene mobile Google-Handy verkauft werden.

Die Frage ist nun: Ist das dann das Handy von Google will Microsoft, Apple und Nokia auf dem mobilen Riesen und Internet-Giganten Herausforderung Handy-Spiel? Die Waffen sind in diesem Fall: dünne, flexible Format, wirklich großen und guten Bildschirm, gepaart mit guten Web-Services und eine Menge von Geräten in Android Software des Systems speichern "Market".

Nexus One ist der taiwanischen HTC hergestellt, aber nirgends auf dem Handy-Logo zu sehen ist HTC. Stattdessen verweist sie im Handy-Handbuch (Kurzanleitung), dass die Nutzer Antworten auf Fragen am Telefon unter erhalten / Telefon / Support - eine Website, die derzeit nicht beliebigen Inhalt haben.

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Google phone Nexus has landed in the U.S.

The U.S. technology site Engadget is now trying out Google Mobile Nexus One. Of the manual, it appears that it will be sold as Google's own mobile phone.
So the question now is: Is this then the mobile phone as Google intends to challenge Microsoft, Apple and Nokia on the mobile giants and Internet giants mobile game? The weapons are in this case: thin flexible format, really big and good screen, coupled with good Web services and an awful lot of apparatus in the system's Android software store "Market".

Nexus One is manufactured by Taiwanese HTC, but nowhere on the phone can be seen HTC's logo. Instead, it refers phone manual (quick start guide) that users can get answers to questions on the phone at / phone / support - a website that currently does not have any content.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Scallop Ceviche


Ceviche is one of the most cooling of all summer salads and is inspired by the fiery cuisines of Latin America.

Yield: Makes 10 to 12 servings.

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HTC Hero kann Android 2.1 der Vereinigten Staaten

Die US-Betreiber Sprint verspricht ein Update für seine Android Hero Kunden ab Version 1.5 direkt auf 2.1.

Bereits im Oktober kündigte HTC ein Update auf die Version 2.0 des Betriebssystems von Google für die meisten fortgeschrittenen Android des Herstellers mobile Hero. Nach einigen Daten würden Mitte aktualisiert werden bis Dezember, aber noch kein Update vorgelegt worden. Noch im letzten Wochen, HTC via Twitter, sie könne keine neuen Informationen zur kommenden aktualisieren.

Heute jedoch für weitere Informationen, dass die US-Betreiber Sprint herausgekommen ist. Die Aussage, dass der Sprint-Version des Helden wird direkt an 2,1 aktualisiert.

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HTC Hero mai Android 2.1 des États-Unis

L'opérateur américain Sprint promet une mise à jour pour ses clients Hero Android à partir de la version 1.5 directement à 2.1.

Déjà en Octobre, HTC a annoncé une mise à jour vers la version 2.0 du système d'exploitation de Google pour le fabricant le plus avancé Android Hero mobile. Selon certaines données seraient mises à jour en mi-Décembre, mais aucune mise à jour n'a pas encore été présenté. Aussi tard que semaine dernière, HTC via Twitter qu'il ne pouvait fournir aucune information nouvelle sur la prochaine mise à jour.

Aujourd'hui, toutefois, pour plus d'informations que l'opérateur américain Sprint sortir avec. Indiquer que la version Sprint du héros sera directement mise à jour 2.1.

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すでに10月に、HTC、Googleのオペレーティングシステムのバージョン2.0には、製造元の最も先進的なAndroid携帯ヒーロー用の更新プログラムを発表した。いくつかのデータによると、半ばで更新されると、12月がないのアップデートがまだ発表されている。として最後の週の後半、HTC Twitter経由では、今後のアップグレード時にすべての新しい情報を提供することができませんでした。


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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

HTC Hero may Android 2.1 of the United States

The U.S. operator Sprint promises an update to its Android Hero customers from version 1.5 directly to 2.1.

Already in October, HTC announced an update to version 2.0 of Google's operating system for the manufacturer's most advanced Android mobile Hero. According to some data would be updated in mid-December, but no update has yet been presented. As late as last week, HTC via Twitter that it could not provide any new information on the upcoming upgrade.

Today, however, for further information that the U.S. operator Sprint come out with. Stating that the Sprint version of the Hero will be updated directly to 2.1.

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Wir haben Zukunft SVT Wiedergabe auf dem iPhone getestet

SVT hat upmärksammats für iPhone-Anwendungen, die SVT Wiedergabe auch in Iphone machen. Wir haben bereits getestet.

Mit seinem umfangreichen Inhalte, die SVT Wiedergabe auf Mobiltelefonen, in diesem Fall das iPhone, natürlich ein guter Ausgangspunkt. Nach dem Testen der Anwendung für das iPhone gibt es Hinweise darauf, dass der SVT in das Programm den Inhalt des Rechts macht. Mit seinem großen Bildschirm passenden Kurs Iphone gut für bewegte Bilder, sondern die Anwendungen sind weitgehend gefehlt.

211133CVN Weve tested future SVT Play on iPhone

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Nous avons testé Ecouter SVT futures sur l'iPhone

SVT a upmärksammats pour les applications iPhone qui fera SVT jouent également disponible en Iphone. Nous l'avons testé déjà.

Avec son contenu vaste, la Lecture SVT sur les téléphones mobiles, dans ce cas, l'Iphone, donc manifestement d'un très bon point de départ. Après avoir testé l'application pour l'iPhone il est prouvé que le programme de SVT en fait la justice contenu. Avec son grand écran de l'iPhone cours qui vous convient bien pour les images animées, mais les demandes ont largement fait défaut.

211133CVN Weve tested future SVT Play on iPhone

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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Asian Pears with Prosciutto and Baby Greens


Sweet, juicy Asian pears are exquisite with prosciutto, an autumn alternative to the more traditional melons or figs. I add baby greens to make a more substantial salad and use a vinaigrette with a little walnut oil to bring the parts together. At some farmers’ markets you can find a salad mix with edible flowers, which makes this dish even prettier. The recipe makes about twice as much vinaigrette as you will need, but it keeps for several days in the refrigerator.

Yield: SERVES 4

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© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

Sugar Cookies

During the holiday season I make my children's teachers homemade goodies as a thank you. This year we decided to make sugar cookies so the kids could decorate them with all sorts of fun sprinkles. I was looking forward to trying out a new cookie sheet I recently bought with Christmas shapes. When I took the cookies out of the oven, I was concerned at first because they were so golden brown, but after trying a cookie I was extremely happy with them. The cookies came out thick, soft and very delicious. My kids had a great time decorating the cookies and testing them too. What a wonderful way to spend a cold and rainy afternoon.

Sugar Cookies:

Adapted recipe and photos by For the Love of

Original recipe from Simply Recipes

  • 3 cups of flour

  • 1 cup of white sugar

  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 cup of butter, softened

  • 1 egg

  • 3 tbsp of milk

  • 1 tsp pure almond extract

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Friday, December 18, 2009

    Asian Pears with Prosciutto and Baby Greens


    Sweet, juicy Asian pears are exquisite with prosciutto, an autumn alternative to the more traditional melons or figs. I add baby greens to make a more substantial salad and use a vinaigrette with a little walnut oil to bring the parts together. At some farmers’ markets you can find a salad mix with edible flowers, which makes this dish even prettier. The recipe makes about twice as much vinaigrette as you will need, but it keeps for several days in the refrigerator.

    Yield: SERVES 4

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    The Four Season’s Salmon Rillettes


    This rich, smooth appetizer epitomizes the understated elegance of the restaurant where it was created. It is worth all the effort it takes to prepare. Serve with warm toast fingers.

    Yield: Makes 8 servings

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Thursday, December 17, 2009

    Mexican Corn Soup with Shrimp and Cilantro Purée


    I always felt that corn chowder was about the most unpleasant looking dish ever invented. Then all of a sudden hot restaurants across the country began making smooth corn soups swirled with a variety of contrasting purées. While the soups were certainly more pleasing to the eye, I was still disappointed by the bland flavor. I became determined to invent a corn soup that even I could adore. This recipe is the result. The contrast between the pastel yellow of the soup, the coral of the shrimp, and the vibrant green of the cilantro is spectacular.

    Yield: Makes 8 to 10 servings.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Southeast Asian Pork Satay


    It takes only a minute to toss all the marinade ingredients for this fabulous pork satay into a food processor. But if you want to plan ahead, you can make the marinade up to three days in advance and keep it in a covered jar in the refrigerator. Although skewers are always fun for a family meal--a good excuse for eating with your fingers--keep this recipe in mind as an appetizer for entertaining, too.

    Yield: Serves 4

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Beef and Bean Chimichangas

    We had ripe avocados that needed to be used up so I decided to make fresh guacamole and serve it on top of homemade ground beef and bean chimichangas. This meal was extremely easy to make and tasted fantastic. I loved the sharp cheddar with the beef and bean mixture inside of the crisp tortilla. I never fry my chimichangas I either bake them or cook them in a skillet with cooking spray. They are so flavorful, crisp and delicious without being greasy. My husband, daughter and I loved these chimichangas. My son opted for nachos with the beef and bean mixture and was completely thrilled with his dinner.
    Beef and Bean Chimichangas:

    Recipe and photos by For the Love of

    • 1 tsp olive oil

    • 1 lb of lean ground beef (I used 93/7)

    • 1/2 sweet yellow onion, diced

    • 3 cloves of garlic, minced

    • 1 tsp paprika

    • 1 tsp chili powder

    • 1 tsp ground cumin

    • 1 tsp garlic powder

    • 1 tsp oregano

    • Dash of red pepper flakes

    • Sea salt and freshly cracked pepper, to taste

    • 1 can of chili beans, drained

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Wednesday, December 16, 2009

    Google Chrome Vs Mozilla Firefox

    The hype hasn’t even settled on Google Chrome’s release and already Mozilla is reeling under its influence. Google claims that Chrome is the fastest internet browser than anything currently available on the world wide web. Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. As of now it supports almost 43 languages and it automatically detects your language. For now, Google Chrome seems to be the fastest internet browser in the online industry. In response to this Mozilla is gearing up with Firefox 3. 1 which the company claims will be faster than anything Google can muster with Chrome. In February 2008 Mozilla announced that they had reached 500 million downloads of Firefox, and 150 million active users. Let's see how many people switch to Google Chrome and how many stick to the usual Mozilla Firefox. Try both the browsers you will easily make out the difference. With the competition heating up between the two giants its the common internet users who can look forward to benefiting the most from this.
    Google chrome is running v8, an open source javascript engine which is written in C++ whereas Mozilla will be using TraceMonkey, an evolution of Firefox's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine for Firefox 3. 1Performance wise Tracemonkey was found to be better than Chrome beta. In Firefox if one tab crashes we can see its impact on other tabs but its not the same in case of Google Chrome. Google Chromes each tab is an independent process. If one tab crashes there won't be any effect on the other tabs. Every tab is on its own due to which memory management becomes very easier, eradicates the reasons for memory seepage.
    URL: http://host. co. in/forums/f37/google-chrome-vs-mozilla-firefox-826/
    Write articles on SEO, Web Hosting, Internet Business, Marketing tips and tricks.

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    Chrome Accessories Uplift Your Ride With Ease

    Not only is chrome trim cost-effective, but it also adds a nice flourish of class to most any ride very, very quickly. Every vehicle could use a splash of chrome here or there to give it a little edge. Thus, it all comes down to deciding where to put the chrome accessories that make the stylish difference you're looking for.

    A Quick Chrome Trim Overview

    What is chrome trim? Just what it sounds like. Kind of. Chrome trim actually refers to a wide variety of products that are either chrome-plated or coated in chrome. Normally, these products are comprised of stainless steel or high-yielding ABS plastic with chrome added on later. As you can imagine, stainless steel chrome pieces are always in demand, but there are many fine offerings of ABS plastic trimmings that get the job done as well. One of chrome's biggest strengths is its versatility. Kind of like wearing black, white, or beige, chrome goes with everything. So there is no need to worry about a "match." That is one of its most alluring characteristics for those of us whom outside of our automotive desires are "fashionably challenged." We might be unsure as to what color tie goes with a light-blue dress shirt, but we have an idea what looks good on our cars. And chrome accessories fit that bill perfectly. No matter the color scheme of your roadburner, chrome trim has a feverish tendency to either blend in the details or stand out with stark radiance. It just all depends on what you're going for.

    If you drive a Cadillac CTS for instance, your chrome accessory desires might be different from someone who sits behind a Honda Accord. And someone who rides a Chevy Silverado probably has different values than someone who controls a Dodge Challenger. The exterior packaging of your vehicle should have a say in where you decide to place your accents. Chrome accessories are there to enhance your vehicle's personality and draw more life out of it. You don't want to just make up places to cover with chrome. But some of this legwork is thankfully, taken out of your hands. Chrome accessories come in different shapes and sizes, each designed to outline a specific area of your ride.

    Pillar Posts & Mirror Covers

    When you first hear the term "pillar posts", if unfamiliar you may expect a log or pole that is holding up some type of vast structure. After all, that's what a pillar is. But pillar posts are actually extremely popular pieces of chrome trim that adhere to the spacing between the windows of your doors. Instead of sealant (ugh) or the original body color providing the gap between your side-view windows, pillar posts unveil a dynamic brushstroke of gleaming chrome-plated stainless steel. When executed on the right car or truck, pillar posts provide a very contrasting difference to the rest of the exterior. Many cars are "hooked up" with chrome pillar posts at car shows and exhibitions primarily because they elicit such a visually stimulating image.

    Another hot commodity is chrome mirror covers. Mirror covers are perhaps one of the more important chrome upgrades because they play a vital role in upping the style on what is really a very underestimated part of your vehicle. Sometimes, it is even hard for me to understand how people don't see this! Your side-view mirrors stick out! They are the one part of your vehicle's body that is truly 3D at all times. Why so many drivers neglect them, I'll never know. To me, they're my favorite place to add some glare, and are now the first thing I look for when I see a car that is supposedly "customized." I recommend looking into chrome mirror covers for your beast right away.

    Door Handles & Window Visors

    We'll keep rolling right along and look at two more prized chrome accessories, and those are door handles and window visors. Chrome door handles are a delightfully easy way to spruce things up in a hurry and add a sprinkle of luxury to your doors. If you're vying for some extra attention, so to speak, then chrome door handles are an excellent idea. Like most chrome accessories, door handles just stick right on, and are ready to go in moments. On the other hand, we have chrome window visors. Chrome window visors offer more than just some extra shine. Chrome window visors provide solid protection against rain and snow coming down off of your roof and impeding your vision. Many drivers enjoy chrome window visors because it is a two-for-one kind of deal. They get to toss some flash onto their ride with the benefit of ratcheting up their driving safety. It is a "win-win" situation.

    Chrome Trim = Options

    Nowadays, there are countless avenues drivers can explore. Taillight bezels, fender trim, gas caps, hood accents, and pedals are all viable options for even the most savvy of auto consumers. Any one of these items can open the floodgates of custom fashion for your model, and you shouldn't take that lightly. Chances are, you have thought about going with a piece of chrome plated steel or ABS at one point or another. Chrome accessories are almost all very inexpensive and easy to install. Most reputable chrome trim manufacturers, like Putco® or QAA include specialized 3M adhesive backings on each chrome product. This is a huge advantage, as this automotive adhesive allows for lightening-fast installation as well as concrete fitment that lasts longer than you will even own your car. As a matter of fact, most, if not all of these chrome accessories come supported by warranties to this effect.

    There are just so many different ways to get creative for almost all makes and models that no driver should be left behind when searching for the style that suits them most. Chrome gives you the ability to make a luxury ride appear even more elegant and help a racing model reflect even more aggression. Or simply elevate your "plain" family sedan into a blustery new world of custom enjoyment. It doesn't matter what type of road warrior you are. Maybe you don't aspire to dazzle your ride up enough to enter it at SEMA. But everyone has a reason why they love their car and want it to strut around in all its glory. Choosing the right chrome accessories for your vehicle is a great way to rediscover what was so special about it in the first place.

    Timothy J. Hands is a Writer/Editor for WoodView.Com, the fastest-growing automotive accessories store on the net. Check them out today and get a feel for the Chrome Accessories, Chrome Pillar Posts, and an entire stylish inventory of Chrome Trim that delivers on the glittering promise which elevates your vehicle to a whole new stratosphere!

    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Watch Gospel and Old Music Videos

    More and more people every day seem to enjoy it when they watch gospel and old music videos. Apparently, the gospel music industry has made their way out of the isolated communities and into the mainstream media, literally competing with other music genres when it comes to making a huge audience base worldwide. This is probably because most people who make gospel music have realized that the best way to forward their advocacies regarding religion and spirituality is to treat the music like any other, except these songs are all about the gospel and its related qualities that make it unique over others.

    So many artists now are emerging over musicians that are almost atheist by origin, specifically grounding all their artistic inclinations to that certain spiritual characteristic that they possess with the intent of sharing them to their audience. If you watch gospel music videos you will know that they have become a source of inspiration for so many people because the songs and their themes have evolved in such a way that they can personally touch their audience in relation to their personal lives.

    If you want to watch these music videos you will most likely find them on the internet. These videos through online streaming are for free, which means that you won't have to worry about costs of membership fees. You will also have the liberty of being able to watch these videos anytime you want and as much as you want because these videos are just there available for streaming from any point worldwide.

    On the other hand, old music videos include those that you may have missed in the past. Back then there was a problem because music videos can only be shown in channels like MTV so sometimes it gets frustrating having to put up with other videos that you might not like to watch. You can try requesting by emailing your favorite video jockey but there are so many people making requests that it is so hard to get in line in the first place.

    But now music fans can watch old music videos of their favorite artists again and again through the internet with the help of online video streaming. For example, if you want to watch the music video of Mariah Carey's latest single Touch My Body, you can do so with a series of points and clicks. Or if you do not have a specific music video to watch you can just name a specific artist or genre and search results will give you a wide range of choices for you to pick from.

    This method is definitely more convenient when compared to waiting in front of your television all day for that one video that you want to watch.

    Another perk that you can get out of online video streaming is that you can those really old clips of those artists that your mom and dad used to enjoy back when they were still kids. With a little creativity, this can actually be a great pastime, and is definitely worth trying. Who knows? You might just like it.

    The easiest way to Watch Gospel and Old Music Videos is with the TVChannels2PC Internet TV Software. For a small one-time investment you can watch over 3000 channels with movies, full episodes, music, live sports, news weather and more. Why pay more for Satellite and Cable? Go to

    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Introducing Wiiminder: Enhanced Wii Browsing

    Wiiminder allows users to create and manage bookmarks, select bookmarks to be opened in new tabs, listen to music while you surf, and much more. Wiiminder was developed by Warp Pipe Technologies.

    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous



    In 1993, my dear friend Bobby Collins got me hooked on guacamole; therefore, he is the inspiration for this recipe. As the title boasts, this guacamole is indeed perfect: perfect in panini, perfect with tortilla chips, perfect with salads, and especially perfect when a frozen margarita is served alongside!

    Yield: Makes about 2 cups (500 ml)

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Black Bean, Tropical Fruit, and Queso Blanco Salsa


    My talented friend chef Douglas Rodriguez gave me the inspiration for this salsa one night at a fantastic party he threw. Queso blanco, a staple of Latin cuisine, is uniquely textured, simply yet assertively flavored, and quite pleasant to nibble. In this recipe, the cheese balances the acidity of the orange and mango. A no-brainer with chips, queso blanco salsa is a great accompaniment to grilled chicken breasts as well. You can prepare the dressing up to a day before you assemble the salsa. And the salsa is also a good day-after leftover—assuming there is any left over.

    Yield: MAKES 4 CUPS

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Classic Vietnamese Spring Rolls


    In Vietnam, deep-fried spring rolls are mostly market and restaurant food. They can be made small or long, but either way, they’re eaten in the hand, wrapped in a lettuce leaf with some fresh herbs, served occasionally with vinegared carrots and cold cooked rice noodles.

    You can assemble the rolls several hours ahead and refrigerate until you are ready to deep-fry. Once fried and drained on paper towels, they can be reheated in the oven or in hot oil.

    Use either small round rice paper wrappers or wedge-shaped wrappers if you can. We like Red Rose brand best. If you can only find large wrappers, you will be making longer rolls, and fewer of them.

    Yield: MAKES about 40 small rolls or 10 long rolls; serves 6 to 8

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    Crusted Ahi Tuna with Pomegranate Vinaigrette


    I remember spending a few days with my wife Eileen in Porto Fino in Italy, which is simply beautiful. One day, we went to a big seaside restaurant called Il Delfino, arriving about 11 in the morning and staying through the early afternoon. We sat on the terrace, with the water glinting blue and silver and the fishing boats bobbing on the horizon, and ordered raw tuna with pomegranates, lemon, and basil. It’s that memory that inspired me to create this dish. It’s a great way to serve one of my all-time favorites, raw ahi tuna, but be sure to buy the freshest, best fish you can. Look for bright color, firm flesh, and no odor except a faint whiff of the sea.

    Yield: Serves 4

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Aromatic Christmas Ham


    There’s no absolute need to have a cold Christmas ham on a welcome table, but there are few sights more seasonally cheering. I like to have some of the salty pink meat carved, and some still clove-studded and gorgeously whole, as a join, on a wooden board. Obviously, it’s fabulous hot, too.

    would. Though any number of other condiments in that chapter might also be a good match. Store bought mango chutney is certainly not infra dig--or not in my house--and I definitely need English mustard with this.

    Yield: Serves approximately 10

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Ruby Grapefruit, Avocado, and Spring Onion Salad


    Yield: Serves 6.

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    Boston Lettuce and Radishes with a Dijon Caper Dressing


    A salad is always a welcome start to a full meal, and this one is a real beauty. It’s colorful and packed with flavor and textures. The sliced radishes add a spicy bite and an extra crunch. The ingredients for this salad are in season all year round.

    Yield: Makes 4 Servings

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Shaved Zucchini and Radish Salad over Smoked Salmon with LemonDill Vinaigrette


    Raw zucchini doesn’t have a ton of flavor, but its texture is really delicate, so it’s perfect for this salad.

    Yield: Serves 4

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Die ersten Tage mit dem Nokia X6

    Während die Wettbewerber der touch haben gepumpte-Screen-Handys, hat Nokia etwas zurückgefallen in dieser Hinsicht. Aber jetzt die Finnen aufwachen und neue Handy X6 ist ein Beispiel. Wir testen es mit voller Geschwindigkeit right now.

    Letztes Jahr in genau dieser Zeit, so mit dem ersten Touchscreen-Handy von Nokia kommen: 5800. Nokia Dann wurde schließlich unter den großen Handy-Hersteller mit einem Touchscreen Handy verteilt. Natürlich dachte ich, 5800 war nur das erste Beispiel für eine Flut von aufregenden Touch-Screen-Trick aus der finnischen Handy Riese.

    Aber ich habe mich geirrt. In 2009 hat, Nokia nur die gelegentliche Trick mit einem Touch-Screen gedrückt. Und das 5800 begonnen hat, zunehmend veraltet fühlen. Nun die Frage: Ist das Nokia X6, der neue Star, die mobile Käufer retten wird?

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Tuesday, December 15, 2009

    Premiers jours avec le X6 Nokia

    L'an dernier, à exactement cette même époque, alors venez avec le premier téléphone tactile de Nokia: 5800e Ensuite, Nokia a finalement été répartis entre les principaux fabricants de téléphones mobiles avec un mobile à écran tactile. Naturellement, j'ai cru 5800 n'était que le premier exemple d'une crue de l'écran tactile passionnante-trick du géant mobile finlandais.

    Mais j'avais tort. En 2009, Nokia vient évincer le truc occasionnels avec un écran tactile. Et que 5800 a commencé à sentir de plus en plus mis à jour. Alors maintenant la question: Est-X6 Nokia, la nouvelle étoile qui permettront de sauver des acheteurs mobile?

    Nokia X6 ne semble pas directement à tout lyxmobil dans le réservoir, car la qualité de la construction se sent un peu cheap. L'écran est cependant un coup de pouce par rapport à beaucoup d'écrans tactiles précédente Nokia - X6 doté d'un écran capacitif qui réagit avec une rapidité foudroyante, même quand elle touche. Cela affecte tout naturellement le X6 expérience beaucoup.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    ノキア× 6との最初の数日間

    競合他社はタッチのうち励起されている画面の携帯電話、Nokiaのやや後ろに、この点で低下している。しかし、今のフィンランド人は、新しい携帯電話× 6目を覚ますの例です。我々はフルスピードで揃えてテストします。

    正確には、この時間では昨年、ので、Nokia初のタッチスクリーン携帯電話が付属して:第五千八百その後、Nokiaの最後には、タッチスクリーン携帯 電話での大手携帯電話メーカー間で分配された。当然、私は5800と考えエキサイティングなタッチスクリーンの洪水は、最初の例では、フィンランドの携帯 大手からのトリックです。

    しかし、私は間違っていた。 2009年には、ノキアは、タッチスクリーンを使用して臨時のトリックを圧迫しています。そして、5800ますます旧式のを感じ始めている。だから今の質問:ノキア× 6、携帯のバイヤーが保存されます新しいスターは?

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    First few days with the Nokia X6

    While competitors have been pumped out of the touch-screen phones, Nokia has fallen slightly behind in this respect. But now the Finns wake up, and new phone X6 is an example. We test it at full speed right now.

    Last year at exactly this time, so come with Nokia's first touchscreen phone: 5800th Then Nokia was finally distributed among the major mobile phone manufacturers with a touch screen mobile. Naturally, I thought 5800 was just the first example of a flood of exciting Touch screen-trick from the Finnish mobile giant.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous



    格安タッチスクリーン携帯電話1は、今年のクリスマスプレゼントのですが、は、Nokia 5230は、最も手頃な価格のタッチスクリーン携帯電話のための強力な候補が、それは市場の1月までの取得に失敗した。今は、すべての困難の後半のクリスマスプレゼントの携帯電話のために似ていますがほぼ同じ価格の方が電話で起動してやらないんだよ。

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    Nokia startet Musik-Handy Stealth

    Ein wenig in Ruhe, hat Nokia das neue Touchscreen-Handy 5235 ins Leben gerufen Comes With Music. Es ist tatsächlich die gleiche Telefonnummer wie die nächsten 5230, aber mit free music downloads einem Jahr. Der Preis sieht nicht, wie es wird viel höher als für die 5230.

    Günstiges Touchscreen-Handys sind ein von Weihnachten in diesem Jahr vorhanden, aber das Nokia 5230, ein viel versprechender Kandidat für die günstigste Touchscreen-Handy, doch fehlt es an auf dem Markt erst im Januar erhalten. Jetzt tun Sie es umso härter für die verspätete Weihnachtsgeschenk Handy, indem sie eine Telefonnummer, die ähnlich ist, aber besser für etwa den gleichen Preis.

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    Nokia lance furtivité téléphone musical

    Un peu en silence, Nokia a lancé le nouveau mobile à écran tactile 5235 Comes With Music. Elle est effectivement le même téléphone que le prochain 5230, mais avec les téléchargements de musique en un an. Le prix ne ressemble pas, il sera beaucoup plus élevé que pour la 5230e

    Cheap mobiles écran tactile sont l'une de cadeau de Noël de cette année, mais le Nokia 5230, un candidat fort pour l'écran tactile portables les plus abordables, il ne parvient pas à obtenir sur le marché jusqu'à Janvier. Maintenant, ne vous le fais tout le plus difficile pour la fin de Noël de téléphone cellulaire actuel en lançant un téléphone qui est similaire, mais mieux pour environ le même prix.

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    Nokia launches music phone stealth

    A little in silence, Nokia has launched the new touch screen mobile 5235 Comes With Music. It is effectively the same phone as the next 5230, but with a year's free music downloads. The price does not look like it will be much higher than for the 5230th

    Cheap Touchscreen mobiles are one of this year's Christmas present, but the Nokia 5230, a strong candidate for the most affordable touchscreen mobile, it fails to get on the market until January. Now do you do it all the harder for the late Christmas present cell phone by launching a phone that is similar but better for about the same price.

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    Xperia X2: schwer von Begriff Smart-Welle

    Sony Ericsson hat das schlanke äußere Form des X2. Das Innere ist nicht so abgestimmt. Mobil ist das Sony Ericsson das neue Windows Mobile getestet.

    Die erste ist ausgeschaltet, wenn Xperia X2 erhalten bei der Hand ist, dass die Formen werden weicher und runder sind als die seines Vorgängers X1. Dies bedeutet, dass es wesentlich besser in der Hand. Ich persönlich glaube auch, dass es ist besser geworden hast mit einem sauberen Gesicht ohne Linien und scharfe Kanten.

    Wenn Mobile auf Xperia X2 wurde im September angekündigt, war es ein Telefon, in dem eine Menge Arbeit blieb mit der Software. Schwachstellen in der Software war auch die große Schwäche des X1, erschienen sie vor allem in Form von lästigen Zähigkeit in verschiedenen Situationen. Jetzt haben wir Zugang zu einem Modell, in dem Sony Ericsson glaubt, dass die Software bereit ist, geprüft werden. Leider scheint es, dass vieles, was ich dachte, waren Anlaufschwierigkeiten bei Sony Ericsson försrta Windows Mobile nicht in X2 geheilt wird, entweder. Es ist in erster Linie um Kraft, die in verschiedenen Situationen entstehen, und die am stärksten ist, wenn Sie Panel von Sony Ericsson Schnittstelle zu benutzen.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Xperia X2: arbre lent à puce ingénieux

    La première est désactivé lorsque vous obtenez Xperia X2 à portée de main est que les formes sont devenus plus doux et plus arrondi que celui de son prédécesseur X1. Cela signifie qu'il est nettement mieux dans la main. Personnellement, je pense aussi qu'il est devenu une meilleure apparence avec un visage propre, sans lignes et des angles pointus.

    Lorsque Mobile a été annoncé le Xperia X2 en Septembre, il a été un téléphone dans lequel beaucoup de travail restait avec le logiciel. Faiblesses dans le logiciel a également été la grande faiblesse du X1, ils sont apparus principalement sous la forme de la ténacité gênant dans des situations différentes. Maintenant nous avons accès à un modèle dans lequel Sony Ericsson estime que le logiciel est prêt à être testé. Malheureusement, il semble que les problèmes d'une grande partie de ce que je pensais était de dentition chez Sony Ericsson Mobile försrta Windows n'est pas guérie dans X2, non plus. C'est principalement sur la force qui se posent dans différentes situations et les plus durement touchés, c'est quand vous utilisez le panneau d'interface Sony Ericsson.

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    のXperia × 2:飲み込みの遅いスマートシャフト

    最初のときに手でのXperia × 2を取得をオフにされているフォームと詳細は、その前身であるX1のより丸く柔らかくなっています。これは、大幅に手で優れているということです。個人的には私もそれになって良いラインと鋭い角度のないきれいな顔をしていると思う。

    と きに携帯電話のXperia × 2で9月に発表された、それは作業の多くは、ソフトウェアのまま携帯電話された。ソフトウェアの弱点は、X1の大きな弱点だった、彼らは主に迷惑な靭性の 形でさまざまな場面で登場しました。今我々は、ソニーエリクソンは、ソフトウェアをテストする準備ができたと考えているモデルにアクセスしている。残念な がら、それは、ソニーエリクソンförsrtaのWindows Mobileでの私の考えの多くの歯が生えるされた問題× 2で、どちらか硬化されていませんが表示されます。これは主に強さは、さまざまな状況で発生する最悪のヒットするときにはSony Ericssonのパネルのインターフェイスを使用するかについてです。

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Xperia X2: slow-witted smart shaft

    The first one is turned off when you get Xperia X2 at hand is that the forms have become softer and more rounded than that of its predecessor X1. This means that it is significantly better in the hand. Personally I think also that it has become better looking with a clean face without lines and sharp angles.

    When Mobile was announced on Xperia X2 in September, it was a phone in which a lot of work remained with the software. Weaknesses in the software was also the great weakness of the X1, they appeared mainly in the form of annoying toughness in different situations. Now we have access to a model in which Sony Ericsson believes that the software is ready to be tested. Unfortunately, it appears that much of what I thought were teething problems at Sony Ericsson försrta Windows Mobile is not cured in X2, either. It is primarily about strength that arise in different situations and the worst hit is when you use Sony Ericsson's panel interface.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Pastrami, Tomato and Coleslaw on Rye

    When I was reading Sophia's blog yesterday, I got inspired to make a pastrami sandwich on rye with coleslaw. I picked up some pastrami while grocery shopping today and I was so excited to get home and make lunch. This sandwich took no more than five minutes to make, and it was hearty and delicious. I loved the combination of the soft bread, crunchy coleslaw, and the tangy sauce with the tomato and pastrami. This may just be my new favorite sandwich. I loved it! Thanks for the inspiration Sophia.
    Pastrami, Tomato and Coleslaw on Rye:

    Recipe and photos by For the Love of

    Inspired by Sophia and her tasty looking sandwich

  • 2 pieces of light rye bread

  • 3-4 pieces of pastrami

  • 1 handful of coleslaw (shredded cabbage and carrots)

  • Tomato slices

  • 2 tbsp ketchup

  • 1 tbsp low fat mayonnaise

  • 1 tsp sweet pickle relish
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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Beef and Barley Stew

    It was a freezing cold day and I wanted to make something for dinner that would warm us all up. I started browsing the Internet and found a hearty and filling soup from The Cutting Edge of Ordinary that looked delicious. I adapted the recipe a bit to use what I had on hand. I filled it up with veggies and meat so it turned out to be a thick stew instead of a soup - perfect for the cold day. My daughter loved this stew and requested it for lunch the following day, she did say she didn't like the mushrooms. My husband and I both really enjoyed the stew as well but our son said he didn't like it (the only soup he likes is clam chowder). I served this stew with a fresh loaf of crusty bread for a filling and satisfying dinner.

    Beef and Barley Stew:

    Recipe and photos by For the Love of

    Adapted recipe from The Cutting Edge of Ordinary

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Monday, December 14, 2009


    と私の初めての出会い以来、 モトローラ V3iドルチェ&ガッバーナの黄金の携帯電話の私の発表空恐ろしくなります。だけでなく、私たちでした(長い時間前に)、このデバイス上での実行で完全に、いや、この怪物の残虐行為も、その光景に圧倒されたが時間が無防備の状態で私撮影しています。


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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Elm und Hazel - Umwelt-Handys von Sony Ericsson

    Sony Ericsson ist in Bewegung und mit Umwelt-Handys und hat heute zwei neue Modelle in seinem grünen Herzen Serie: Elm und Hazel. Telefon aus recyceltem Kunststoff und ohne schädliche Chemikalien, laut Sony Ericsson. Aber sie sind Funktion auch mit GPS und Wifi verpackt. Darüber hinaus gehören das Telefon 5-Megapixel-Kamera mit Gesichtserkennung.
    001951A0e Elm and Hazel Environment handsets from Sony Ericsson

    In Bezug auf die Funktionen sind Elm und Hazel fast identisch. Aber Hazel ist ein Pull-Handy in rot und schwarz verkauft, während die Elm ist eine traditionell gestaltete Telefon in Schwarz und Metall. Dank der einklappbaren Form Hazel hat auch einen deutlich größeren Bildschirm (2,6 Zoll hoch anstelle des Elms 2,2-Zoll-Bildschirm).


    GPS ist eingebauten GPS-Programm Wisepilot, einschließlich Schritt-für-Schritt-Navigation. Das Fotohandy Geotags auch Bilder, so dass die Bilder aufgenommen wurden angezeigt wird, zum Beispiel auf ein Foto-Blog.

    001953Qb9 Elm and Hazel Environment handsets from Sony Ericsson

    5-Megapixel-Kamera mit Autofokus und Fotolicht - es hat sowohl Elm und Hazel. Es gibt Unterstützung für Gesichtserkennung, so dass der Fokus landet auf Motive Gesicht. Es gibt auch Unterstützung für den direkten Upload aufgenommenen Bilder, zum Beispiel Facebook oder Flickr.

    Musik, Facebook, Twitter und YouTube

    Musik-Player in Handys verfügen über die gleiche Funktionalität wie Walkman-Handys von Sony Ericsson, das eine komplette Musik-Player, TrackID unterstützt wird (um herauszufinden, welcher Song im Radio gespielt wird) und SensMe (die Wiedergabelisten auf Ihrem Stimmung Sie möchten die Lieder auf der Grundlage erstellt match).
    0019545DW Elm and Hazel Environment handsets from Sony Ericsson

    SMS-Nachrichten mit Ballon-ähnliche Gespräche, wie ein Chat. Beide Telefone auch Anwendungen für Facebook, Twitter und YouTube gebaut.
    001955RRl Elm and Hazel Environment handsets from Sony Ericsson

    Sony Ericsson Elm

    Typ: Umweltfreundliche 3G-Mobiltelefon mit GPS und WLAN
    Abmessungen: 110 x 45 x 14 mm
    Gewicht: 90 Gramm
    Farben: Black Metal und Pearly Rose
    Screen: 262.144-Farb-TFT
    Bildauflösung: 240 x 320 Pixel
    Größe: 2,2 Zoll
    Telefon-Speicher: Bis zu 280 MB
    Speicherkarten-Unterstützung: microSD
    Sprechzeit: Bis zu 4 Stunden
    Standby-Zeit: Bis zu 446 Stunden
    Videoanruf: Bis zu 3 Stunden

    Sony Ericsson Hazel
    Typ: Umweltfreundliche 3G-Mobiltelefon mit GPS und WLAN
    Abmessungen: 102,5 x 49,5 x 16 mm
    Gewicht: 120 Gramm
    Farben: Schwarz und leidenschaftliche Superior Rouge
    Bildschirm: 2,6 Zoll, 240 x 320 Pixel
    Telefon-Speicher: Bis zu 280 MB
    Speicherkarten-Unterstützung: microSD
    Sprechzeit: Bis zu 4 Stunden
    Standby-Zeit: Bis zu 450 Stunden

    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    elmやヘイゼル- Sony Ericssonからの環境携帯電話

    ソニーエリクソン進む環境携帯電話では、本日、同社の緑のハートシリーズの2つの新モデル:エルムとヘイゼル開始動いています。電話リサイクルプラ スチックから作られた、有害な化学物質なしに、ソニーエリクソンによると、。しかし、彼らも機能されても、GPSと無線LANが満載。加えて、携帯電話5 メガピクセルのカメラ、顔認識としています。
    001951A0e Elm and Hazel Environment handsets from Sony Ericsson

    機能面ではほぼ同一のエルムとヘイゼルです。一方、エルムでは、より伝統的なデザインの携帯電話ですしかし、ヘイゼルプルダウン携帯電話の両方、赤 と黒で売られたが、黒とメタル。ヘイゼルも大幅に拡大画面が引き込み式の形状に感謝(2.6インチの代わりにエルムズ2.2高インチ画面)。

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    は、Frozen Bubble

    は、Frozen Bubble パズルボブルは、Linuxには多くの年にされているクローンです。ので、消えては、Frozen Bubble撮影、他のボールで、そしてときには、同じ色の少なくとも3つのボールをお互いの隣にあるカラーボールです。完了したら、すべてのボールは、 次のトラックに渡されることが解消しました。


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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Frozen Bubble

    Frozen Bubble est un clone de Puzzle Bobble qui a été à Linux depuis de nombreuses années. Le tournage Frozen Bubble est boules colorées à d'autres balles, et quand au moins trois boules de même couleur sont à côté de l'autre de sorte qu'ils ne disparaissent. Une fois que vous avez éliminé toutes les billes seront transmis à la piste suivante.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Frozen Bubble

    frozen_bubbleFrozen Bubble is a Puzzle Bobble clone who has been to Linux for many years. The Frozen Bubble shooting is colored balls at other balls, and when at least three balls of the same color are next to each other so they disappear. Once you've eliminated all the balls will be passed on to the next track.

    Game control is perfect when using the touch screen but it is also possible to use the trackball. The graphics are colorful and we appreciate that there is a feature allowing for color blind people to cope with the game.

    Frozen Bubble contains 100 pieces of paths and when you are tired of them so you can download Frozen Bubble Level Editor which makes it possible to create new tracks and also includes 40 pieces brand new!

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Frozen Bubble

    frozen_bubbleFrozen Bubble is a Puzzle Bobble clone who has been to Linux for many years. The Frozen Bubble shooting is colored balls at other balls, and when at least three balls of the same color are next to each other so they disappear. Once you've eliminated all the balls will be passed on to the next track.

    Game control is perfect when using the touch screen but it is also possible to use the trackball. The graphics are colorful and we appreciate that there is a feature allowing for color blind people to cope with the game.

    Frozen Bubble contains 100 pieces of paths and when you are tired of them so you can download Frozen Bubble Level Editor which makes it possible to create new tracks and also includes 40 pieces brand new!

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Alcohol Koller

    alkoholkollenAlcohol Koller is an app developed by ITmaskinen to help you calculate your blood alcohol level in the body, which is useful now that it is nearly Christmas and New Year.

    To begin with, so you get to choose whether you are male or female, how much you weigh and the BAC limit you want to come over. Then, just enter how much beer, wine and liquor has been drunk and when you started drinking, then app'en to give a hopefully reasonably accurate picture of your blood alcohol level. We have unfortunately not had the opportunity to test how well app'en consistent with reality but if you are enough of us asking us to do it in the comment field you will obviously have such a test.

    Alcohol Koller has been very successful sales of the iPhone and are happy that we Android-owners need not pay for app'en.

    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Elm and Hazel - Environment handsets from Sony Ericsson

    Sony Ericsson is moving forward with environmental mobiles, and today launched two new models in its Green Heart Series: Elm and Hazel. Phone made from recycled plastic and without harmful chemicals, according to Sony Ericsson. But they are also feature-packed with both GPS and Wifi. In addition, the phone include 5-megapixel camera with face recognition.

    In terms of the functions are Elm and Hazel almost identical. But Hazel is a pull-mobile sold in both red and black, while the Elm is a more traditionally designed phone in black and metal. Thanks to the retractable shape Hazel also has a significantly larger screen (2.6 inches high instead of the Elms 2.2-inch screen).

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Today: Vodafone launches its 4G network in Sweden

    A little earlier than the original plan, Vodafone announces today that it will open up its 4G network to customers. The formal opening takes place at noon today at Telia's head office at Stureplan in Stockholm and then there will be a modem available.

    The opening of the network takes place in Stockholm today and it's Infrastructure Minister Åsa Torstensson, which opens the web. While Vodafone is now open 4G network in Stockholm starts also corresponding services in Oslo with Huawei as network provider. Ericsson is a supplier for 4G network in Stockholm.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookies

    We had friends coming for the weekend and I wanted to bake them something special to enjoy while they were here. I have been seeing a lot of pumpkin snickerdoodle recipes out there and decided to finally make them too. My son and I were ready to start baking these cookies so we found a recipe on Wounded Chef and started baking immediately. My little guy did a fantastic job of beating the butter, sugar and eggs together - I don't know who had more fun, him beating the ingredients or me watching him do it. The cookies smelled unbelievably good while they baked. The were moist, cakey and delicious. Our friends loved them and so did we. Everyone agreed that they tasted like a pumpkin pie cookie. I will make these cookies over and over again...I really loved them.
    Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookies:

    Recipe and photo by For the Love of

    Original recipe by Wounded Chef

  • 1/2 cup of butter, softened

  • 3/4 cup of sugar

  • 1 large egg

  • 1/2 cup of pumpkin puree

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

  • 2 cups of flour

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 3/4 tsp baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp fresh nutmeg, grated

  • 1/2 tsp ginger

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Sunday, December 13, 2009

    TeamViewer 5 - Review


    There are new at the home of Team Viewer, version 5 has been released recently. Since I had to help a friend remotely, we have decided to try to direct the new version. Team Viewer is a program for me may not be missing something, it bridged router and firewall with no problems. New in Version 5 is the integrated audio and video support at the remote. The point has also done some speed, improves packet prioritization and quality of transmission have been. A presentation mode is also included and offers up to 15 participants to follow the whole show through a Web browser. Furthermore, the version 5 is backward-compatible with version 3 and 4 TeamViewer is and remains one of the best programs in this remote area and is also free for private use.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Android, the easy way to voluntary lock-up

    Often when the coming to mobile phones, many people argue why one phone is better than another and why the model is to be purchased. More recently, the focus, with more advanced users, shifted from hardware manufacturer to which operating system the phone must have.

    A battle that stands between the operating systems such as Windows Mobile, Maemo, Android, iPhoneOS and others. I myself have been both the one and the others. Advanced handsets from Sony Ericsson, simple phones from Sony Ericsson, Nokia and ditto also tested and used mostly in mobilväg. Easy it can be noted that all operating systems have their place in the mobile world and each one has incredible individual needs. The easiest phones used with pleasure by a large crowd of consumers who are content with calls and text messages. Others have much higher requirements. I can not say that I completely belong to one or the other group. My mobile types have rather been due to what I wanted at that moment. A simple phone for SMS, MMS, camera and telephony. Or an advanced phone with decent email client, a juste calendar and many other utility programs that only can be found in business-oriented phones.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    Android: HTC Dragon comes as Google Phone

    I am a little disappointed einflatterte over the news last night. The one Google Phone is to be expected and that Google is not it also has its own workshop. HTC will receive either the Google baby and to my disappointment it is we have a well-known device that HTC Dragon. Not that the device would be bad or something similar, I just hoped that only a completely new device is built from the ground. The Dragon is almost a counterpart to the in-house Touch HD 2 with Android and not just Windows Mobile.

    Android 2.1 will be used and it is the first HTC device with an OLED screen which comes on the market that was previously only in Samsung Galaxy the case. That Google Phone in January 2010 will come on the market.

    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

    a-squared Anti-Malware 4.5 & CyberLink DVD Suite 7 Centra free

    Chris wrote to me yesterday evening an e-mail to inform me that the already often mentioned a-squared Anti-Malware 4.5 with a free annual license lies behind today's door emsisoft of the Advent Calendar of Curiously, the vote appears between Stern & emsisoft not to run like this: while we are here in Germany already is definitely in the 12.12. seem to have the server from emsisoft us the version did not want to move out.

    Bildschirmfoto 2009-12-12 um 07.56.31

    I'm always welcomed with a weird "second message", a free version I see there is not (yet). If there will be changes in the next few hours and you can strike.

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    © Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous