Friday, November 20, 2009

The HTC Dragon Exists And Google Has It!

Well, after the HTC CEO said in a cryptic tone that they would never make an Android HD2 there was a general round of murmuring about what happens to the rumored HTC Dragon. But there was also the other interpretation that he is simply saying that to deny it without denying it. We were in the second camp. Now if he had said that HTC will never make a Snapdragon Android phone, that would’ve been damning. It would’ve be pretty stupid on their part too and HTC has shown in the recent past that they are anything but stupid. So what’s all the hullaballoo about this time? Well, more evidence has been unearthed about the elusive HTC Dragon.

The HTC Dragon AKA HTC Passion, is going to be the toast of the Android community if it really has everything that it seems to have. Even though details have been scanty, imaginations speculations have been running pretty wild after the screenshots and live shots were revealed.

Now, Techcrunch claims that the phone has been on the prowl at Android headquarters for quite some time now and top Android people are already using it. It has been undergoing a lot of testing and it is likely that a release is imminent.

More... )

© Ken for MobiPre.COM | mobipre's posterous

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